Can I place an order to ship?

YES, absolutely you can! Everything online is available to ship.

What about international?

Unfortunately we aren’t offering that currently. It is something we want to offer eventually so keep an eye out.

Some items have multiple variations in the image but I can’t seem to pick which one I want, why is that?

Many items that are handmade like Two Thicc Asians earrings are completely individual and so we can not maintain adding photos for each single pair. Instead if you’d like the risk and fun, you can send us a note with what vibes, shapes, colors you like and we’ll pick one we think fits best. 

What about returns?

We have a standard 30 day return policy so long as the item is not damaged. Any discounted for damage items are final sale. The 30 days also includes exchanges.

What’s with the “Featured Artist?”

Glad you asked. While Freya and I are both artists and the core of Goose Cult we gained an opportunity to propel our business into an actual storefront, but we didn’t have enough of our own product to fill the space. So our vision of Goose Cult grew into a shop that would help support local artists by offering consignment and a passive income for them. Our Featured Artists are our friends and amazing artists that we wanted to provide an easier opportunity to get into a storefront. By supporting them you support us and vice versa.

How do I become a Featured Artist?

So you’re an artist! Fantastic! The first step is to send an email of interest to wearegoosecult@gmail.com with a short blurb of who you are, why you want to be apart of the Cult, and a portfolio of 4-7 items. We will then review what you sent and decide if we feel your work is a good fit for us.

What happens if I get accepted?

CONGRATS! We love bringing on new artists! If you get accepted you will be emailed an acceptance along with what the next steps are. If you are interested and want to be prepared, some of what we’ll need is,, having a logo and self portrait ready, an “about the artist,” a list of what products you have with their cost and inventory, after which we will set a date to receive your items and set a social media launch date. We love preparedness and the more prepared you are the sooner we can sell you art and the sooner you can get paid.

How frequently do artists get paid?

We operate on a quarterly schedule. This helps us with daily operations in case someone wants to return a product. 

Do you sell artwork like galleries?

We’re sorry but no. We don’t have the space to currently showcase it but we’re also more focused on providing smaller, more affordable art. We also do not have the means to afford the insurance for more expensive art.